

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Orphan Photo #110

This cabinet card is of a woman who hails from the Hot Springs area of South Dakota.  Unfortunately there is no identifying information.




I am doing genealogy work and my father's family hails from Hot Springs, South Dakota for the last 120 years. I was wondering if there is a date on this photo at all, I might have a younger picture of this woman.


Hi Marion,

Unfortunately there is no date indicated. I suspect that it was taken in the 1880s, perhaps early 1890s. It had to have been taken after the town was renamed to Hot Spring in 1882. The photographer was likely William Cross, born about 1843 in Vermont. He's living in Hot Spring in 1900, and in Billings County in 1880; both times referred to as a photographer.

Hope this helps.



The woman's name was Katherine Mary Walters Ginsbach, she died in 1901. here is a link to that young that younger photo.

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