

Monday, December 26, 2011

Orphan Photos #107 & #108

These two photo appear to have been taken about the same time.  I suppose they could be related, but we have no idea who they are.

The imprint on thee cabinet cards reads:  A.R. Fowler, Meadville PA.

The photographer is probably Albert Fowler, found in both the 1900 and 1910 censuses as a photographer living in Meadville, Pennsylvania.  Albert was born about 1858 and his wife was named Flora.

Update 01/28/12 – These photos are likely Edward Collins and one of his daughters, Julia, Alice, or Margaret, and have both been reunited with family.  See the “Comments” for more information. 




I believe the photos to be of members of the Collins family of Meadville. There were three daughters; Julia b.1868, Alice b.1869 and Margaret b.1876. The man could be their father Edward Collins b.1840 in Ireland.
I have identified photos of Alice and Edward and possibly Julia taken by Fowler. Their mother was Catherine (Freeman) Collins my 3rd great grand aunt.
When I saw your photos I was stunned because I "knew" these people. Where did you get them?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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