

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Who Will Tell Their Story? Has a New Home!

newblogWho Will Tell Their Story? now shares a home with my other two genealogy blogs (GenBlog and Writing Your Way to the Past) over at Julie’s Genealogy & History Hub.  This change allows my readers the option to continue to follow one, two, or all three of the original blogs, while allowing me to manage just one space.  Think of Julie’s Genealogy & History Hub as three portals, each with a different target, where you get to choose what you want to follow. 

Because I use Feedburner, most subscribers will be automatically switched and no action is required. 

If for some reason you are seeing this post in a reader, you will need to update your reader subscription.  Again, since Who Will Tell Their Story? has now been combined with GenBlog and Writing Your Way to the Past, you have the option to subscribe to one, two, or all three blogs.  For more information on each blog, refer to the home page of the new blog; you can make your subscription selections from there. Note:  If you currently subscribe to either of the other blogs, those subscriptions may already be updated, so no action may be necessary with those blogs.  Basically, if you see a post in your reader similar to this one for either of the other blogs, you will need to update your reader, otherwise, it’s already been transferred.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and I do hope that you will continue to follow Who Will Tell Their Story? at its new home.



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