

Monday, April 29, 2013

Orphan Photo # 154

Orphan 0154

Cute little photograph of Kenneth and Florence, probably siblings.  Too bad there’s no surname or location to work with.  It looks like it was cut out of an old scrapbook (the one’s with the black paper that resembles construction paper).  It’s glued on there pretty good so I don’t want to risk damaging the photo to see if there’s anything written on the back.  So for now, it will remain a mystery.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Orphan Photo #153

Orphan 0153

This tiny photograph of a little girl is mounted to an embossed card that serves as a frame.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Orphan Photo #152

Orphan 0152

No idea who she is, but I gather she was from Canton, Ohio.  Even though the photographer’s imprint is damaged, I can make out a C and then an O followed by a period.  Since I have other photos from Canton, Ohio, this was my immediate thought. 

Searching on the name Vignos in the US censuses, I found an Augustus Vignos in Canton, Ohio, although the occupation had nothing to do with photography, nor did that of his son Alfred.  But, apparently, the business they ran, although it dealt with cutlery, also included photography (see the following PDF document that someone put together about Augustus, his business, and photography). 

And of course, once I’d already written this post and went to set my tags, I saw that I already had one for a photographer “A Vignos.”  And wouldn’t you know, it was from Canton, Ohio. 

Now that I look at that I take a look at the other photo, I wonder if they are the same person, #152 being a younger Theodosia Currier.  Hmmm.  What do you think?

Orphan Photo #152 Orphan Photo #25
152 25


Monday, April 8, 2013

Orphan Photo #151

Orphan 0151

Poor thing, she looks frightened! 


Monday, April 1, 2013

Orphan Photo #150

Orphan 0150

Another photograph by Albert Fowler of Meadville, Pennsylvania.  This woman looks very similar to the woman in another Fowler photo.  Wonder if they’re related?


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