

Friday, December 14, 2012

Found: Unclaimed Ancestors

foundToday I stumbled upon another orphan photo blog, Unclaimed Ancestors.  This blog, started earlier this year in April is put together by Jodi Bash. 

Jodi’s mission is “connecting old photos and memorabilia with the families searching for them.”  Kudos to her for starting her blog!

And, since I have found several blog similar to Who Will Tell Their Story?, I have started a Blog Roll, which can be found in the menu bar at the top of this blog.



Jacqi Stevens

Great idea, Julie! I certainly appreciated it when you let me know about your own orphan photo site. These are the kind of site that becomes more successful in its mission, the more widely it is known and used.



It was after I left my comment that I made myself a note to add a blog roll. So the inspiration came from you!! :)



Thanks so much! You have a wonderful site as well.

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