

Monday, September 26, 2011

Orphan Photo #97

Orphan 0097

This photo is of an unidentified woman.  According to the imprint, it was taken in Hornellsville, New York; the photographer’s name could be Sutton, but it’s very hard to read.



Far Side of Fifty

She looks cranky..that could be a new category:)


Haha, she does look cranky! But she's also very good looking for an older woman. ^^

Btw, Julie, I've just awarded you the Versatile Blogger award, and you can get it at my blog (http://penandchocolate.blogspot.com) though if you've already got one then just ignore me. :)


Thanks, Griffinclaw!

Donna Becker

Julie, I just LOVE these posts! There are so many unidentified photos out there in antique shops, flea markets, etc. It's sad that no one may remember the people pictured in them. Thanks for doing this blog for all the orphaned photos. Maybe someone can identify them someday!

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