

Monday, March 29, 2010

Orphan Photo #50


This photo was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

This photo is presented in a cardboard frame.  The imprint reads: “Davis Studio in Blue Earth, Minnesota.”  There is no identifying information.



Monday, March 22, 2010

Orphan Photo #49

Orphan 016-A

Orphan 016-B

This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

The message reads:

Glenella Florence Davison. 

Age 5 months & 3 weeks. 

Nov. 1, 1914

There is no other identifying information, postmark, or location.



Monday, March 15, 2010

Orphan Photo #48

Orphan 010-A

Orphan 010-B

This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

Addressee:  Mrs. Homer Moore, Homer, Illinois

Signed:  Mabel

Postmark:  City not show, Washington, 26 January 1912

The message reads:

Dear May: Lula's Terre Haute address used to be 1815 N. 10th St.  I don't know where she is now but wish I did.  She was in school at Granville, Ohio the last I heard from her but that has been several years ago.  Mabel

Lots of interesting info in just this small bit!



Monday, March 8, 2010

Orphan Photo #47


Orphan 015-B

This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

Addressee:  Miss Gertrude Bontz, Glasford, Illinois

Postmark:  Hanna City, Illinois, 19 September 1910

The message reads:

Thomas Walter Gibbons at the age of 6 months.

There is no other identifying information.

It is quite possible that this is the Thomas W Gibbons found in Logan, Peoria, Illinois in the 1920 census.  If it’s him, I believe I found an SSDI listing for him as well.  Additional research is needed to determine if this it the correct person and if so, if there are any living relatives to pass this photo on to.



Monday, March 1, 2010

Orphan Photo #46


Orphan 006-B

This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

Addressee:  Frank Trapp, Taylorville, Illinois

Postmark:  Colorado Springs, Colorado, 27 Jul 1925

Signed:  Vin

Postcard imprint reads

Mt. Manitou Scenic Incline

At the Summit of the longest and highest incline on the globe.  You cannot afford to come to Colorado and not take this grand trip.

The message reads:

Sure am seeing the sights.  Look in Pike's Peak Saturday, seeing sunset from top & coming down after dark.  Would like to put in a month out here if I could afford it.  Vin

There is no other identifying information.  Oddly enough, this could be one of my Trapps, but I haven’t found a connection as of yet.



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