

Monday, February 22, 2010

Orphan Photo #45


Orphan 013-B

This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

The message reads:

For her Great Grandmother Tower

From Ruth Evelyn Tower

Taken when she was 10 weeks old

Born June 6, 1913 Glendale, Calif.

Lots of interesting info here!

According to the 1910 census, it appears that Ruth Evelyn Tower is the daughter of Aplunso[?] and Pearl Tower.  She’s listed as living in Glendale at the age of 6.  Both parents were born in Indiana.

I find a Ruth Tower Hodgson in the California Death Index (Ancestry) with the same birth date as that listed on the postcard.  I was able to track down her son and have reunited him with this wonderful photo!



Monday, February 15, 2010

Orphan Photo #44

Orphan 009-B
This real photo postcard was originally featured on my other blog, GenBlog.

Addressee:  Josefa Erjavec, 1011-13 N. Chicago St., Joliet, Illinois

Postmark:  unreadable

The message is written in I'm guessing Slavic, as the stamps appear to be from Slovenia.



Monday, February 8, 2010

Orphan Photo #43



I originally wrote about the photo on my other blog, GenBlog.

This is a real photo postcard.  The back of the card reads:

Hello Lucy.  How I would love to see you and your baby. I suppose it is a wonder.  I know mine is.  [cannot read signature]

There is no other identifying information, postmark, date, or location.



Monday, February 1, 2010

Orphan Photo #42

This gentleman probably looks familiar.  I blogged about him a few weeks ago in Orphan Photo #38.

It appears to be another photo of Carlton E. Taylor.

Orphan 0042-B

The back reads nearly identical to the other photo, except that this time, there is the suffix “LL. D.” added to his name.  It appears Carlton was “doctor of law.”



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